Oct. 22-24, 2025
Orlando, FL

I’m more excited to attend PRINTING United this year over any event in recent memory, for a few reasons … you can feel the excitement from attendees and exhibitors. Personally, I’m planning investments in a number of areas in the business and I can’t make the most informed decisions without input from my peers and all the partners that will be at the show. With paper in limited supply and challenges with the talent who produce for our customers, investing in automated and new technology is both exciting and necessary. At a high level, the show this year will encompass what I consider ‘All Things Imaged’ and it will be really exciting to meet people who manufacture things I’ve never thought about, using technology I’ve never seen. There are so many people around the country, both peers and partners, and I’m just generally looking forward to seeing them face to face.

— Michael Marcian, CEO, Corporate Communications Group